Leadership training fundamental skills RK
Programme summary
This multi-session leadership-training course is for people entering their first leadership role — helping them be successful leading a team and dealing with the daily challenges of being a leader. The modules guide participants to reflect on who they are as a leader; what it means to be a leader of others; how they relate to others, how to be leaderlike in today’s ever-changing world and how to be an outstanding leader from the offset.
What will be covered:
- From management to leadership, the Leaderlike You! Septagon
- Reflecting on work values, time and skills: creating and fuelling the leadership pipeline
- Setting objectives, delegating and following up
- Holding progress and performance reviews
- Coaching and communicating for success with teams
- Giving feedback and holding difficult conversations; Evaluating the team and identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Creating team objectives and team agreements, creating a team ‘why and how’ to align the team
- Creating an individualized plan for ongoing leadership success.
Participants must currently be in a leadership role with at least 2 team members, pre- and postobjective setting conversation with leader before the class begins. Textbooks: Tao of Coaching and The Leadership Pipeline. Suitable for groups up to 15-18 participants.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will recognize the multitude of leadership functions through new eyes, having acquired leaderlike skills to make necessary adjustments and strengthen their role as a Leader of Others. Due to the interactive nature of the online course, there are many opportunities to learn and inspire each other.
- Duration: 4-5 days + 1 optional 1:1 coaching sessions group follow (F2F & Remote)
- Languages: EN, FR, ES, DE