Cultural Awareness in the Workplace
Programme summary
The training is made up of:
- Pre-work, including surveys and readings
- Course content is presented through a combination of slide presentation, group and individual exercises, role plays. There is scope to provide each participant with a Development / Personal Learning Plan.
The participants suitable for this program are managers, leaders, senior leaders, individual contributors.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
- Acquire an overview of “what Culture is?”
- Engage with the impact of stereotypes
- Discover the core features of key national cultures
- Make insightful links to how beliefs and values influence the ways things are done
- See how communication patterns differ across cultures boundaries, and discover the benefits of how to use language
- Participants will learn how to adapt messaging to drive understanding and better results
- Explore features of the feedback process and see examples of how it is given/received can vary
- Learn how to better motivate teams and engage with key theories and models in the cross-cultural studies
- Learn how to boost motivation by leveraging cultural understanding
- The importance of cultural factors in etiquette: discover interesting dos and don’ts in national cultures
- Duration: 1 day (F2F), 2 half-days (Remote)
- Languages: EN, FR