Leading virtually FF

 Programme summary 

  • Real time experience of a virtual team, as a member and as its temporary leader
  • State of the art research-based content from senior facilitators who have all worked and lived in multiple countries and are members of a virtual global team
  • Opportunity to practice, learn from successes and mistakes in a safe environment
  • One on one executive coaching from the senior trainer
  • A highly interactive virtual classroom (not a webinar environment) with a senior facilitator and a technical producer.


  1. Setting up a remote team for high performance
  2. Remote team simulation
  3. Trust & conflict in the virtual environment
  4. Cross cultural complexity in remote teams
  5. Remote performance management and coaching over distance
  6. Virtual team development & action planning


The participants in this programme are managers and team leaders who have made the transition from leading a team in a F2F context to remote leadership.

 Learning outcomes 

At the end of the training, the participants will:

  • Be familiar with key aspects of leading remotely
  • Be able to build a team over distance
  • Be able to generate improved results from virtual teams
  • Leverage the unique advantages of virtual working.

Also, participants will enjoy remote leadership more than they did before as they discover its potential.


  • Duration: 6 sessions of 2 hours each, 1 hour of preparation between each session, 3 hours of peer group work between sessions, 1 hr. confidential coaching session
  • Languages: EN, FR, DE, Hindi, NL, NO, SE, IT, SP, POR, CH (Chinese), Hindi